Outerloop Games’ newest title, surprisingly isn’t just a game about kicking evil ass with a beautiful falcon. It hits really close to home.
Falcon Age is a game about Ara and her relationship with a falcon as she fights an evil corporation. The game explores anti-colonization as well as reclaiming/reasserting your culture and identity.
When you begin the game Ara, is just a number, a cog in the wheel of this oppressive corporation. You’re told how to be an “asset” to society and this is how you prove your worth. This is practically an analogy to cultural assimilation. Your warden robot, constantly tells you you’ll be a better citizen the more you comply — I.E fit in.
Soon after meeting with your beautiful baby bird, you two escape the prison. Eventually, you’re saved by her aunt and then I realized the narrative backbone of the game isn’t entirely new. If like myself; you’re an immigrant, or child of immigrant parents, or not native born, this story is pretty damn relatable.
Before you venture off properly, her aunt drops truth, a lot of truth. We learn that Ara’s relationship with the falcon isn’t happenstance. Hunters and falcons are a long…