Killer 7 Review: Seven Degrees Of Weird

Jeffrey Rousseau
6 min readDec 6, 2018

There’s a lot of ways you can describe something that is weird. With Killer 7, I will try my best to make sense of it all. Originally released back on the Nintendo GameCube in 2005, Suda 51’s unconventionally mature action adventure title is now available on PC. So, should you play this surreal assassin adventure? Well, let’s find out.

Killer 7 is an action adventure title, where you play as a group of assassins, tasked with stopping a terrorist organization. So it’s up to the the Smiths, the seven professional assassins whom share or inhabit the body of a professional killer (?) to keep the peace and maintain order. — Trust me it makes more sense as you play.

The Story? Eccentric

So what is Killer 7 about exactly? Well, for the sake of spoilers I won’t give away too much. There’s a terrorist group, called the Heaven Smile, a threat to the US and world government. The Killer 7 are a superhuman-like group hired to stop them. The seven are people of various backgrounds, walks of life, and so forth. They are lead by Garcian Smith, a well-dressed, highly-informed, and connected Black man (rare in games but appreciated). He accepts and dictates the team’s assignments. You’ll then work your way through a number of stages that take place across the US to stop the bad guys.



Jeffrey Rousseau

I bat for PoCs, marginalized, equality, inclusion & geekdom. I'm warming the bench until coach subs me in.